1 (877) 422-9869
1 (877) 4-BAYTOW
Towing You Can Trust from TowBoatUS
Is Vessel Assist part of the TowBoatUS Insurance company?
TowBoatUS provides assistance and towing services using Vessel Assist as it’s primary tow contractor on the West Coast of the US and Canada. TowBoatUS is the primary contractor for the East Coast Great Lakes and the Gulf States. Assistance and towing services include 24-hour dispatch, on-the-water towing, battery jumps, fuel deliveries, and soft ungroundings up to a member’s specified service level. Combined, they form the Nation’s largest network of towing companies to provide you with fast, professional assistance while you are on the water.
Should I need towing service, how do I contact TowBoatUS or Vessel Assist for assistance?

You may hail TowBoatUS or Vessel Assist directly on VHF CH 16 or call our 24-Hour West Coast Dispatch Center at (800) 367-8222 or hail the US Coast Guard and request they contact Vessel Assist. The USCG will contact Vessel Assist on your behalf. All towing services must be provided by an approved TowBoatUS Towing Company unless authorized by the TowBoatUS 24-Hour dispatch Center. In case of emergency, the United States Coast Guard should always be contacted first.
My TowBoatUS Membership Card indicates a $50 (or any dollar amt.) on-the-water towing. Is this dollar amount my deductible?
Will my TowBoatUS/Vessel Assist membership provide for all the hourly towing and per-foot soft ungrounding charges?
Yes, if you choose the Unlimited level. TowBoatUS/Vessel Assist Towing Services will pay up to your membership service level at the time of breakdown for services as listed in the TowBoatUS On-Water Towing Service agreement (See Coverage link). Any additional costs, not provided for under your towing service agreement and those costs, which exceed your service level, will be the boat owner’s responsibility.
No, there is no deductible on TowBoatU.S./Vessel Assist Towing. The dollar amount indicated on your membership card is the amount that BoatUS will pay per incident for commercial towing service. All other charges are the boater’s responsibility. That’s why we recommend higher option towing packages like the Unlimited Captain’s or Gold Card Services.
Does TowBoatUS Towing Service apply if I am a guest on a friend’s boat?
No, the coverage applies for any recreational boat the member owns, borrows, or charters. In these cases, the member is responsible for the care and control of the boat. If the member is a guest on the boat and the owner is also present, regardless of who is at the helm, the owner would be responsible for the cost of the tow. Your membership does provide for all family members using your boat.
If I have other questions about Towing, Salvage, or other available benefits from my TowBoatUS/Vessel Assist Membership that are not answered on this FAQs page, who may I contact within your organization?
Please call Phil Delano of TowBoatUS San Francisco Bay and Delta for any additional help or information on member services, sign-ups, or renewals. Captain Phil can be reached at (925) 382-4422 or email him directly.